California is in the process of establishing a statewide longitudinal data system, also known as the Cradle-to-Career Data System, integrating K-12, higher education, social services, workforce training, and employment data in a secure system – fully leveraging quality data to improve outcomes for all Californians from “cradle to career.” A large component of the data system will contain critical workforce training and employment data, which will help support individuals in choosing their career paths, and also provide researchers, advocates, and policy makers with information to address the gaps and disparities within our education and workforce systems. In addition to this milestone, organizations at the local level have been working hard over the past years to collect credential and skills training data in order to provide information for adult learners and dislocated workers seeking to upskill and rejoin the workforce. Join us as we hear from experts and learn how local data collection and sharing can bring value to the new statewide data system and how the state and local entities can collaborate to empower California’s workforce.
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