The Cradle-to-Career Data System is a statewide longitudinal data system that aims to link existing education, workforce, financial aid, and social service information to equip policymakers, educators, and the public to address disparities and improve outcomes throughout the state.
The 2021-2022 California budget has invested funding to build the data system, but our work is not done. Stay engaged throughout implementation.
Upcoming Meetings/Events
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More Information and Reports
California EDGE Coalition and CA Competes – Education-to-Employment Webinar
Webinar featuring Zima Creason, Su Jin Jez, Kathy Booth, David Rattray, Bianca Bloomquist, and John Brauer.
California EDGE Coalition – Cutting EDGE Episode with Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin
Zima interviews CA Assemblymember and author of AB 99, California’s Cradle-to-Career data system, Jacqui Irwin.
Children Now – California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System
This brief largely focuses on the multitude of education stakeholders and their key responsibilities which data could support. It also provides an overview of the state’s approach to the design of the CCDS, as well as principles that should guide that work in the months to come.
TICAS webinar, California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System: The Power of Data to Inform Policy, focused on California’s current efforts to create the Cradle-to-Career Data System and how other states have utilized their data systems to inform relevant policy efforts.
WestEd – Workforce Effects of Graduating from High School and Postsecondary Education
This brief supports the ongoing efforts of the Research Agenda Subcommittee by describing how other states and researchers have utilized linked data systems to examine the sixth of the six priority areas outlined in the Act: the workforce effect of graduation from high school, community college, and four-year postsecondary education institutions.
Data Quality Campaign – Why Education Data?
All students deserve a great education, one that affords every opportunity for them to grow into knowledgeable and successful adults. But every student has a unique background, unique strengths, and a unique path to college and a career. Everyone who has a stake in education—especially families and educators—needs the right data in the right format at the right time to serve our students along their unique journeys.
CalMatters -Data System will help chart a pathway to educational success
Continued funding for a Cradle-to-Career Data System would empower communities and educators to demand better from schools.
Ed Source – Belated but ambitious, California’s ‘cradle-to-career’ data hub taking shape
It might seem like an odd time to be devoting a lot of energy to create a longitudinal education database for California when the greatest challenge has been just to get students back to class while keeping them and their families Covid-free.
Yet despite the distractions of the past two years, California is ratcheting up work to create a “cradle to career” data system that has been a dream of researchers and advocates for years.
California Competes – Out of the Dark: Bringing California’s Education Data into the 21st Century
Higher education continues to be the linchpin for economic prosperity in California, serving as both an antidote and vaccine to income inequality. To significantly increase the number of Californians with a postsecondary credential or degree, our state needs a stronger grasp on not only students’ experiences in the higher education system, but also their experiences with the systems that precede and follow. To improve higher education outcomes, California needs a clearer understanding of students’ pathways from K-12 to postsecondary education, to the workforce—an understanding that is based on data.
PPIC – For California’s Educational Data System, Public Support Will Be Key
California has committed to building a statewide data system that connects existing educational, social service, and workforce data sources. The 2021-22 budget includes funding for the creation of the system. The first stop holds much promise, but sustained public and financial support will be key to success of the system.
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