February has been a nonstop month of exciting work. The California EDGE Coalition is proud to have contributed to several critical reports released this month, including our own analysis on flexible postsecondary learning options for Californians. If you haven’t already read our report, Understanding Competency-Based Education, Credit for Prior Learning, and Other Flexible Learning Approaches in California, please take a look!
The EDGE team has also been working closely with our partners to provide helpful insights on the development, purpose, and advantages of the impending Cradle-to-Career statewide longitudinal data system. This innovative informational tool is poised to improve outcomes for Californians seeking entry to the workforce. Read our Cradle-To-Career data system update on our website, and be sure to follow us on social media as we continue discussing the benefits of implementation.
Last but not least, as we come to the end of Black History Month let’s commit to continued celebration of the immeasurable contributions of the Black community, and continue to fight for equitable economic mobility for a community that has been shut out of prosperity for far too long. As we move forward in celebration I invite you to prioritize the alignment of our work with goals defined by the communities we seek to serve, with focus on equity, economic mobility, and shared prosperity for all.
Click here to view: Monthly Newsletter, February 2021

Zima Creason