AB 1705 by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Wednesday, June 22nd at 9:00 am and we need your support!
AB 1705 (Irwin) aims to remove barriers to certificate and degree completion by ending lengthy remedial sequences and placing students directly into transfer-level English and math coursework that is appropriate to their pathway, while also coupling these courses with co-requisite supports, as needed, to enable student success. This is a critical lever in meeting the education and workforce goals of the state. (Factsheet)

We urge you to join us in support of AB 1705 and submit a letter on behalf of your organization.
Support letters must be submitted no later than Friday, June 17th.
Below are instructions on how to submit your letter of support:
- Click here to use and modify the letter template and add to your organization’s letterhead.
- Please submit the letter to the Legislative Portal and check both boxes for the Senate Education Committee and the author’s staff, Wesley Whitaker, as recipients in the portal system.
- If this is your first time submitting a letter via the legislative portal, click here for detailed instructions.
In addition to letters of support, please consider calling in during the Senate Education Committee hearing to make a public comment on Wednesday, June 22nd at 9:00 am to voice your support. Instructions on how to dial into the hearing can be found here.
For any questions, contact Anna Alvarado, Policy Director, at aalvarado@caedge.org.