This Giving Tuesday 2021, EDGE would be honored to earn your support to advance shared prosperity for all Californians in the coming year. EDGE brings together business, labor, education, social justice, and workforce development organizations to address workforce shortages and create pathways to the middle class through state policy and investments that advance a vibrant economy and equitable economic mobility for all Californians. EDGE believes that high quality education and training opportunities, and the removal of access barriers, will achieve our mission.
Your contribution will allow EDGE to continue this work through 2022.
Over the last 15 years, EDGE has prioritized education, training, and workforce policy efforts centered on the needs of low/no-income students, adult learners, workers, and employers while also uplifting critical issues impacting California’s workforce and the economy Within the last two years, in the midst of an ongoing global pandemic, EDGE has been at the forefront advocating to protect career tech and adult education programs; expand access to student financial aid; support small businesses; and increase investments in workforce training programs. Learn more about EDGE and our recent accomplishments in our annual report.
Your support this Giving Tuesday will allow us to continue this important work in 2022. Your gift in any amount would be greatly appreciated and is tax deductible! Give online or mail your contribution to CA EDGE Coalition, 2017 O Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.
Thank you for considering to support EDGE this Giving Tuesday!

Zima Creason
Executive Director