News & Events


  Since the adoption of Senate Bill (SB) 554 in 2019, an adult student pursuing a high school diploma (HSD) or a high school equivalency (HSE) certificate in California can benefit from dual enrollment. Dual enrollment allows learners to enroll as

Post-secondary education and training is vital for fostering economic mobility among individuals and communities. The California EDGE Coalition firmly believes that by empowering individuals to acquire the skills demanded by the current labor market, California can thrive and prosper, leveraging

In case you missed the Governor’s Master Plan for Career Education webinar on January 24, 2024, provided below are some highlights from the event. Please note that this is an overview and not an endorsement of any recommendation. However, EDGE

Dear colleagues, partners, and friends, I am delighted to present the CA EDGE Coalition’s 2023 Annual Report, highlighting the remarkable accomplishments we’ve achieved in the past year. As the Executive Director, it’s a great privilege to share with you the

On January 10th, Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled the 2024-25 state budget proposal – a $291 billion spending plan, with an updated deficit projection of $37.9 billion. To address this shortfall, the Governor is proposing various delays and cuts to programs,

The Cradle-to-Career Data System – Data & Tools Advisory Board will be meeting on Thursday, October 12 to discuss pending proposals related to the data elements. The Cradle-to-Career Data System is a statewide longitudinal data system that aims to link

On August 31st, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order that directs key state agencies and higher education institutions to develop a Master Plan for Career Education that will align and integrate recent investments in education and workforce programs, many

On July 10th, Governor Gavin Newsom signed key components of the final 2023-24 State Budget – a $310 billion spending plan that invests and protects funding programs in the areas of education, workforce training, and social safety net services to

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