WORKFORCE BRIEF SERIES: Employment Training Panel


The Employment Training Panel Mission

The mission of the Employment Training Panel (ETP) is to help employers maintain a skilled workforce in order to remain competitive. Training funds partially offset the cost of customized job skill training for incumbent workers or newly hired workers.


Report Author: The California EDGE Coalition

Date: August 2011


This installment of the Workforce Brief Series titled “Employment Training Panel” describes the state-operated program that is designed to upskill current employees and assist business in training their workforce. To learn more, download the full text of the article here.


ETP’s core program is funded by a redirection of .1% of employers’ unemployment insurance tax payments. The amount of money varies based upon the amount of taxable employment in the state for the year.

AB 118

ETP also receives approximately $4.5 million in Alternative and Renewable Fuel Training Program (AB 118) state funds from the California Energy Commission to fund training for both incumbent and unemployed workers in alternative and renewable fuels and vehicle technologies.

By The Numbers

Funding for ETP in 2011-2012 vs. before the economic downturn.


Funding in 2011-2012


Funding before economic downturn

33% (5 Million)

California workers earning less then $13.63 per hour


ETP is performance-based, so funds are not earned by the employer or training provider until trainees successfully complete training and are retained in employment (generally for 90 days). ETP prepares an annual report to the Legislature that includes information on projects completed during the year including individual and aggregate performance and cost information and the results of project evaluations.

Population Served

ETP funds are used to train either incumbent workers or individuals who are unemployed at the start of their training. Only industries that pay into the unemployment insurance fund are eligible for ETP core training monies. The authorizing legislation also targets businesses that demonstrate the need for training because they are threatened by out-of-state competition.

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