Restoring and Restructuring Adult Education


AB 86

With the passage of AB 86, the Legislature and Governor took an important step toward restructuring California’s Adult Education program.


Report Author: The California EDGE Coalition

Date: August 2014


Support the Promise of AB 86 through Collaboration, Innovation, and Funding. To learn more, download the full text of the article here.

Reasons for Support

  • Builds on the stengths of both the K-12 and community college programs;
  • Focuses on transitions to college, career, and other student goals; and
  • Demonstrates a commitment to student success.

33% (5 Million)

California workers earning less then $13.63 per hour



  • Focus on the transition to college and career. The high school diploma or GED can no longer be the objective of adult education. Adult education should link students to career technical and academic pathways that provide them the opportunity to attain credentials with currency in the labor market.
  • Address the needs of English-language learners. Many Adult education students are learning English as a prerequisite to college and career or as a necessity of everyday life. A reformed system should also focus on the needs of this critical group of students.
  • Implement policies and approaches that improve student success. Currently, too few students achieve meaningful goals. Programs should be structured to accelerate students’ attainment of skills and provide students the supports they need to complete courses and programs.
  • Maintain a varied but well-integrated delivery system. The new delivery system should integrate and build on the strengths of both K-12 and CCC programs.
  • Provide adequate, guaranteed funding and link state and federal funding. California should restore an adequate, dedicated funding stream of state monies, and ensure that state and federal WIA Title II dollars are managed in tandem.


The California EDGE Coalition recognizes that institutional change is difficult. We believe AB 86 gives providers time to work together locally to restructure their K-12 and community college delivery systems. We believe that all those with a stake in California’s future should work to help ensure their success.

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